Vodafone India is fighting off intense competition from new comer Reliance Jio by launching new prepaid and postpaid plans. Recently, Vodafone increased the amount of per day 4G data that a customer can get in its prepaid recharge plan worth Rs. 348. It also launched two prepaid recharge plans worth Rs. 458 and Rs. 509, both of which offer 1GB data per day. Mukesh Ambani-backed Reliance Jio has wooed customers with its aggressive data plans, which in turn has made incumbent telecom service operators launch competitive offers.
(Vodafone's prepaid recharge plan of Rs. 348 earlier offered 1GB data per day.)
This prepaid recharge plan by Vodafone, which earlier used to offer 1GB data per day, now offers 1.5GB 4G2/3G/2G/ per day. It comes bundled with unlimited local and STD mobile and landline calls. This plan is valid for 28 days. This is a limited period offer for all handsets, Vodafone said on its website, vodafone.in.
This Vodafone plan offers 1 GB 4G/3G/2G data per day, along with unlimited local and STD calls. This is a 'roam like home' pan India plan which also offers unlimited national roaming outgoing calls on mobile and landline and 100 SMS per day - both local and on roaming. The Rs. 458 Vodafone plan is valid for 70 days on all devices.
(Vodafone recently launched two prepaid recharge plans worth Rs. 458 and Rs. 509, both of which offer 1GB data per day.)
This plan also offers 1 GB 4G/3G/2G data per day, along with unlimited local and STD calls. This too is a 'roam like home' pan India plan which offers unlimited national roaming outgoing calls on mobile and landline and 100 SMS per day - both local and on roaming. It works on all devices. The Rs. 509 prepaid recharge plan by Vodafone is valid for 84 days.
(Reliance Jio offers free voice calls across all its prepaid recharge plans.)
This recharge pack by Jio comes with a validity of 49 days. It offers 1GB data per day. After usage of 1GB data per day, the speed is reduced to 64 Kbps. Voice calls and SMS are unlimited.
Jio's Rs. 399 recharge pack comes with a validity of 70 days. Among other benefits, Jio offers 70 GB of high speed data with a daily limit of 1GB under the Rs. 399 plan, according to its website. Like other prepaid packs offered by Jio, the data speed is reduced to 64 Kbps after a customer exhausts the daily limit. Local, STD and roaming calls are free and unlimited across all operators. One can make unlimited number of free SMSes.
Under Jio's Rs. 459 recharge, prepaid customers of the telecom company get high speed data of 84 GB over a validity period of 84 days, with a daily usage limit of 1 GB. The data speed is reduced to 64 Kbps after the usage of daily limit. Local, STD and roaming calls are free and unlimited across all operators. This pack also includes unlimited SMSes free of cost.
Under its Rs. 499 plan, Jio offers 1 GB data per day subject to a maximum limit of 91 GB data for 91 days. After a customer exhausted the maximum data allowed daily under the pack, the internet speed is reduced to 64 Kbps. Local, STD and roaming calls are free and unlimited across all operators in Jio's Rs. 499 pack as well. Jio customers also get unlimited free SMSes under the Rs. 499 recharge pack, according to its website.
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